CCG Creativity Grade: B
Edit 2024-03-14 10:00:07
PIG B+, MoC(ǽ ): 700+
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ȣŷ-Stephen Hawking,,,England
Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking)
, б



2010~2019 õ(21~30) ι 100 ĺ ,
10⿡ 1 by ѱ.net

ü Ѱ踦 ʿϿ ΰ
Chosen as one person among the new millennium
100 People (21C~30C).
Beyond the disability in human body,
he showed the human being's
great intelligence and astonishing insights.
One person will be chosen every decade.

[] 1942 1 8
ױ۷ ۵ ۵

[߼ е, ۵]

[] 2018 3 14 (76)
ױ۷ Ӻ긮 Ӻ긮

[ Ӻ긮 ġ ڽ]

η ι 50

Ӻ긮б п ڻ

~ 1962 ۵б л

1979 Ӻ긮б ī ±

1977 Ӻ긮б а ߷¹

1975 Ӻ긮б а ߷¹

1974 ոȸ ȸ


[ ]

[о] ̷й

[Ҽ] Ӻ긮 б

[ֿ ]
ȣŷ- Ư (Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem)


Ʋ-ȣŷ (Hartle-Hawking state)



2012 Ư ʹл

2009 ̱

1988 кι

1982 뿵 (CBE)

1976 ̳ʸ л

[] (ŷ)

ϵ ȣŷ(1965~1995, ȥ)

Ϸ ̽(1995~2006, ȥ)

2 1

1963 Ը ޾Ƽ ü ϸ Ҵ.


Ƽ ȣŷ
(Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS,
1942 1 8~2018 3 14) 2009

Ӻ긮 б Ŀ

[Ƽ ȣŷ ]

״(Ư, Ȧ ִ Ȳ) ַа
߷ ũ ⿩,

ڽ ̷ Ϲ ַ ٷ

߿ ð Ÿ
Ʈ Ͽ ְ 237 ̳
Ƿ ȭ ִ.


ȣŷ 21 ༺
ȭ(Ը) δ ٶ,
ü ϸ鼭 ִ.

߿ δ Բ
Ϲݻ Ư Ͱ Բ,

Ȧ 縦 Ѵٴ
(̴ ȣŷ Ȥ ˽Ÿ-ȣŷ Ҹ)

Ƽ ȣŷ 1942 1 8 ̰
(1642 1 8) 300ֳ
Ǵ ¾.

ӰԵ νŸ ¾ ̴.

Ƽ ȣŷ ı åٰ Ѵ.

å ô ߴ ״ ڰ ǁٴٴ Ѵ.

״ ۵ б ijӺ긮 б
ģ ״ ߴ.

۵ б
뿡 ״ ߽

[Ƽ ȣŷ]

ǻ 5 ۿ ٴ
״ غؼ 2018 3 14Ͽ ߴ.
״ â .

׸ ״ ϰ
ϴ ġ ߴ.

[ Ȱ]
ȣŷ 32̴ 1974 5 2 ոȸ
ȸ ߴȴ.

ոȸ ȸ ɾ
ο ڽ ̸ ־.

̹ ȱ , ۾
Ƽ ȣŷԴ ̾,

뺧 л ȸ̾
ȣŲ θ ,

Ƽ ȣŷ ,
췹 Լ Դٰ Ѵ.

[߸ K-Pop]

2018 3 14 Ӻ긮 ִ ÿ
76 ϱ ߴ.

[߸ K-Pop]

[ֿ ]
1988 ð 硷

1997 ð Ͽ

2001 ȣβ ֡

2005 ª ð 硷
(A Briefer History of Time)
( ɷε )

2010 衷

[ ]
1975 ոõȸ ޴

1975 θ ٿ 6 ǿ콺 3 ޴

1976 ոȸ ޴

1982 뿵 3(CBE)

1985 ոõȸ ޴

1988 ̽ л

1989 дϾ Ƴ
(Order of the Companions of Honour, CH)

1999 ̱ ٸ ŵ Ʈ

2002 ƺƼ (ȣβ ֡)

2009 ̱



ȣŷ ΰ ¸

Ȧ ü
Ƽ ȣŷ(Stephen William Hawking)
14 76 Ÿϸ鼭 谡 ֵϰ ִ.

е õ Ƴ鼭 ׵
Ұϰ ִ.

ȣŷ ڻ簡 1966 Ư ð С
̶ ǥϱ Ȧ
ٸ ϰ ־.

߷ ٰ ؼ
' (black hole)'̶ ҷ
ȣŷ ڻ ޶.

Ȧ (event horizon)
ǥ鿡 ܺη (Radiation)

̷ 'ȣŷ (Hawking Radiation)'
Ȧ پ ᱹ
Ҹ ִٴ ´.

ϰ νŸ 躸 մ
Ƽ ȣŷ 14 76
Ÿϸ鼭 谡 ֵߴ.

, νŸ մ ϰ
˺Ʈ νŸ 躸 մ ι 򰡹ް ִ
ϰ ִ а.

15 ȸ(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist)
Ư 縦 ڴ κ ū
ι Ҿٰ ֵߴ.

װ å ׻ Ʈ Ͽ ö.
ؾ ŭ ȴ.

ŸƮ, ̷С,
ȭ αⰡ ְ ִ ̴.

ƻ ȣŷ п ߴ ͸ŭ̳ ֿ
(insignts) ϰ ־ٰ ߴ.

Ȧ µκ ۵Ǵ ̷ ݱ
η Ƹٿ
ϳٰ ߴ.

Ƽĭ ϰ ִ.

Ƽĭ õ õ ȸ(Jesuit) Ҽ
ָܼ(Guy J. Consolmagno) źδ
ֿ ֵߴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ 1986 Ȳû п
(The Pontifical Academy of Sciences) .

ȣŷ Ȳû ڵ ó 踦
־ 縯
̷ ޾Ƶ̰ ֱ ̴.

ġ Ȳ 2014 Ȳû
ȸǸ "ȭа ̷
( â ־) ϴ
ϴ ƴϴ" ִ.

Ȳû ̷ ٰŰ Ǵ
Ȧ ←Դ.

̷ο Ƽ ȣŷ ڽ
ŷڷ Ҵٴ ̴.

'Ÿ' ״ ŷڴ ƴϾ.

â(creator) ƴ 'ΰ (impersonal God)'
ϰ ־ٰ ߴ.

뺧ȸ ȣŷ ڡ

̷ο Ƽ ȣŷ 뺧л
ߴٴ ̴.

뺧 ȸ ̵(big idea) ƴ
(proof) ϰ ֱ ̴. ȣŷ Ȧ
̷ ״ ̷п ӹ ִ.

ĶϾư ̷й
ij(Sean Carroll)

"ư, νŸο ݰ ŭ п
ū ⿩ , ο ڿ
뺧 ־ ʾҴ."

뺧 Ҹ ǥߴ.


뺧 ϴ ոоī
(The Royal Swedish Academy of Science)

ȣŷ Ÿ ҽ "п ū ⿩
(a greatest scientist) Ҿ."

ī ѽ(Goran Hansson) 繫
"ȣŷ а ū ս"̶
ȣŷ 뺧
ް ѷ 亯 ʾҴ.

뺧ȸ ְ ִ.

׷ ȣŷ 뺧ȸ
Ȱ 踦 ִ.

ոī ȣŷ û,
2015 8 Ȧ 湮, ִ.

Ƽ ȣŷ ̾
'ΰ ¸'. Ը ɸ ü
ȴٸ Ǵ ȣ
̸ ȴ.


Ǹ鼭 緹 鸮
ħ ϸ鼭 ġ ȴ.

θ 鼭
ȣ . ȣŷ 21 Ը
ް Ѻ 2 ޾Ҵ.

׸ 3 1966 Ҽ
'Ư ð ' ǥߴ.

ϷϷ簡 ̾.

ϰż ҿ ¿ κ

ǻͰ ġ Ư ü Ÿ ȸ鿡
ڸ Էϸ鼭, Էµ ڵ Ҹ
ٲٴ Ȱ , ,
ռ Ȱ ij 55 ̾.

15 Ƽ ȣŷ̶ ̸
ִ ,
Ư ε ڽŰ ƴٰ ߴ.

̷ ־ٸ
' ΰ ¸' ߴ.


[ê GPT 亯] (亯 , ܼ ̷θ ٶ)

Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking) ߴ ι?

Ƽ ȣŷ ˹Ʈ νŸΰ Բ ߿
ִ ι ϳ 򰡵ǰ ֽϴ.

׷ ȣŷ ߴ ι
˺Ʈ νŸκٴ (Isaac Newton)̾ϴ.

ȣŷ ſ ϸ,
 ʸ ڽ

ȣŷ " ϴ Ģ â"
Ͽ ǥϱ⵵ ߽ϴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking) Ҹ
ѱ ƮƮ ߶ 뷡 ϱ?

Ƽ ȣŷ а ֿ ̷
⿡ մϴ.

ȣŷ Ҹ ѱ ƮƮ ߶ 뷡
õص帮ڸ, "" (Star)̳

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

"ָ ٰ" (I'll Give You the Universe)

[ ]

[ ]

ֿ õ 뷡 ︱ ϴ.

̿ܿ ȣŷ Ҹ ѱ 뷡 پ ̸,
ȣŷ Ͻô ⿡ ٸ ֽϴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking)
ִ ȭ(episode)?

Ƽ ȣŷ
ִ ȭ ֽϴ.

ϳ ȣŷ ȸ ڹ̵ TV α׷
"Monty Python's Flying Circus" ̶ Դϴ.

ȣŷ α׷ ϳ ڽ å
ο ֽϴ.
" ȴ" ε,
̴ ͳ 󿡼 ʿ ǹϴ
ȣŷ 縦 ο " ȴ"
Ͽ ߴٰ մϴ.

ٸ ȣŷ ִ ȭ,
װ õü ϸ鼭
"Party Animal"̶ Դϴ.

ȣŷ Ƽ ̾,
ڽ å Ƽ ̾߱⸦ ֽϴ.

״ п ģ Բ ָ ø鼭
õп ϴ ߰,
Ƽ ָ ø鼭 ̵ ⵵ ߴٰ մϴ.
̷ ȣŷ ̾߱ ϰ ߷ ִ
̹ʹ ſ ִ ݴϴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking) 󸶳 ϱ?

Ƽ ȣŷ ڽ

״ Ҽ , ȭ α
ų ־ϴ.

ȣŷ 2013 ̽󿤿 мȸ
̽󿤰 ȷŸ ϴ ,
̸ ޾ҽϴ.
״ ̽ ΰ ȷŸε α
ħϰ ִ ϸ,
αǰ ȭ ȭ ߿伺 ߽ϴ.

ȣŷ Ҽ ϴ ϱ⵵ ߽ϴ.

״ 2014 Ʈ󽺺θ ȸ
Ǹ ϴ ߽ϴ.
״ " پ缺 ϰ,
Ҽڵ鵵 ׵ αǰ ϴ
߿ϴٰ Ͻϴ" ߽ϴ.

ȣŷ ȭ
״ α ħظ ϸ鼭,
ȭ پ缺 ϴ ߽ϴ.

̷ ȣŷ ൿ װ ָ,
Բ װ ȸε
ū ־ٴ ݴϴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking)
(Conscience) (Grade)
A(ſ ), B(), C(), D() Grading Ѵٸ,
Ƽ ȣŷ (Stephen Hawking) ɵ(Conscience Grade)?

ְ ̱
Ȯϰ 亯ϱ ƽϴ.

, Ƽ ȣŷ ڽ
Ҽ , ȭ α
ų ־ ,
׸ ι Դϴ.

, A(ſ ) Ǵ B() ֽϴ.

[ǽ ]

[Ʒ ǽ ġ 򰡴 ܼ ̷θ ٶ]

Ű ǻ ̺ ȣŲ
'ǽ Map of Consciousness'
1 1000 ġ ,
Ƽ ȣŷ(Stephen Hawking, , , England)
ǽ ġ ?

̺ ȣŲ 'ǽ Map of Consciousness'
Ƽ ȣŷ ǽ ġ ʾҽϴ.

, , ׸ ȣŲ ǽ
Ͽ غ
ٰŸ ֽϴ.

1. پ ɷ° :
ȣŷ 20 ְ ,
Ȧ մϴ.

״ ӿ ϸ
ΰ ũ ⿩߽ϴ.

ȣŲ ǽ ɷ°
ǽ ذ õ˴ϴ.

2. µ:
Ը Ŀ ʰ

״ ڽ ָ غϰ ǹ̸ ã
Ӿ ߽ϴ.

ȣŲ ǽ µ
ǽ ذ õ˴ϴ.

3. ߰ η:
ڽ ߿ ˱ ϴ å
п ϴ.

״ ٹ 輺 ϰ η ȭ
Ҹ ½ϴ.

ȣŲ ǽ ߰ ηִ
ǽ ذ õ˴ϴ.

4. :
ڽ ָ ӷ ȭŰ µ ߽ϴ.

ұϰ ϰ ڻ ǰ ߽ϴ.

ȣŲ ǽ
ǽ ذ õ˴ϴ.

ǽ ġ:
ٰŵ ,
Ƽ ȣŷ ǽ ġ 700 ̻ ˴ϴ.

ȣŲ ǽ ǽ
ϴ ƴմϴ.

ǽ ġ پ ҿ ,
ؼ ޶ ֽϴ.

Ƽ ȣŷ پ ɷ, , ,
µ, ߰ , η, ,
ǽ ־ϴ.

ǽ ġ ʾ,
غ 700 ̻ Ǵܵ˴ϴ.


Stephen Hawking

[Born] Stephen William Hawking
8 January 1942
Oxford, England, United Kingdom

[Died] 14 March 2018 (aged 76)
Cambridge, England

Chosen as one person among the new millennium
100 People (21C~30C).
Beyond human body, he showed the human being's
great intelligence and astonishing insights.
One person will be chosen every decade.

[Residence] United Kingdom
[Nationality] British

[Education] St Albans School, Hertfordshire
[Alma mater]
University of Oxford (BA)
University of Cambridge (PhD)

Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA
(8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an
English theoretical physicist, cosmologist,
and author who was director of research
at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology
at the University of Cambridge at the time
of his death.
He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.

His scientific works included a collaboration
with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems
in the framework of general relativity and
the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation,
often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first
to set out a theory of cosmology explained
by a union of the general theory of relativity
and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter
of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Hawking achieved commercial success with several works
of popular science in which he discusses
his own theories and cosmology in general.
His book A Brief History of Time appeared on
the British Sunday Times best-seller list
for a record-breaking 237 weeks. Hawking was
a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), a lifetime member
of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,
and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom,
the highest civilian award in the United States.
In 2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in the BBC's poll
of the 100 Greatest Britons.

In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed with an early-onset
slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease
(MND; also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis "ALS"
or Lou Gehrig's disease) that gradually paralysed him
over the decades.
Even after the loss of his speech,
he was still able to communicate through
a speech-generating device, initially through use
of a hand-held switch, and eventually by using
a single cheek muscle. He died on 14 March 2018
at the age of 76, after living with the disease
for more than 50 years.


Hawking has a rare early-onset,
slow-progressing form of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS) that has gradually paralysed
him over the decades.
He had communicated using a single cheek muscle
attached to a speech-generating device.

(from Ű )

British, Black hole, influence(+) ~
(PIG: time-variant)

Positive Influence GRADE (PIG): B+

(MoC: Map of Consciousness) ǽ

MoC(ǽ ): 700+

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ä õ Ź ǥ ȣ ȫ Ȳ

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